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On This Day in 1939...

At the time of Church in the Wildwood's 50th anniversary in 1939, the Ute Pass Echo was the newspaper of Green Mountain Falls. On June 23, 1939, the church's Semi-Centennial celebration headlined the Echo, announcing plans for adding onto the building, as well as remodeling the bell tower to accommodate the installation of a donated bell.

As you can see from the other articles in this issue of the Echo, even though many things have changed in Green Mountain Falls, many others have stayed the same. Any of the below stories could have been written today:

"A most hearty welcome to the summer guests..."

"The Lake in Green Mountain Falls has been stocked with Mountain Trout..."

"For the safety of everyone, especially the children and hikers, 'extreme care' is the request of town officials on winding mountain roads..."

"Clean-up Day..." (Much like our recent Chipping Day!)

To prevent fire, "the Forest Service asks the cooperation of everyone..."

It's comforting to know that we share commonalities with the early residents of this town. A love of mountains and community and yes - our little brown church in the vale. We hope you enjoy this glimpse into the past!

Note: Historic newspapers reflect the attitudes, beliefs and word use of the time.


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