You are welcome here!
You do not have to be a member of Church in the Wildwood to join us in worship or ministry. Along with residents of Green Mountain Falls, we are blessed with guests from surrounding communities, as well as visitors from all over the world.
If you do wish to participate with other Christians in operating this lighthouse that has shone brightly in Green Mountain Falls since 1889, we invite you to consider joining as a member of our congregation. We ask that you carefully consider 3 questions:
Will I attend worship, as often as I am able?
Will I give, if I am able?
Will I participate in a ministry or volunteer, when I am able?
To let us know of your interest in becoming a member, please stop by and request a membership card or download here. Fill out the card and drop it by the church or scan and email it to: admin@wildwooducc.org.
New members attend a short orientation class about our faith and are welcomed to the congregation during Sunday worship.
Please email or call us at 719-684-9427 if you have questions.