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Team Talk: March 4, 2022

Administration Ministry Team

Meeting Minutes by Moderator Newman McAllister.

The Team met on March 4, 2022. Those present were Pastor Darlene Avery, Moderator Newman McAllister, Treasurer Sunde King, Member Vaughn Drinen, Member Linda Seger and guest Teresa Allen. Linda gave the reflection.

Pastor reported that positivity rates for Covid have fallen dramatically for both Teller and El Paso counties. With the blessing of the Return to Worship Team, masks are no longer required in the building or at worship.

Coffee hour was held in Tatter Hall on Sunday, February 27th .

Pastor continues her planning for Lent, which started on Ash Wednesday, March 2nd. The theme will be Virtue.

Heidi was hired in February as a Communications Assistant at a rate of $20 per hour with a maximum of eight hours per week. This relieves Pastor of many administrative and computer monitoring burdens. Heidi has been working on refining the website.

Office hours at the church are from 10:00 - 2:00 each weekday: Teresa Allen on Monday, Heidi on Tuesday, Pastor on Wednesdays and Thursdays, and Laurie Guido on Friday.

The computer system still needs attention, particularly the Google platform. Chris Ruccius, the suggested IT solution, has not yet been to the church. Jeff Chapman was to coordinate that in February and Newman will pursue. Vaughn has helped with computer desktop problems.

Pastor pointed out that most churches’ low attendance is in the summer whereas we have low attendance in January and February. It may be that next year the choir will take a holiday in those months.

The church spent $300 on a Cultivating Generous Congregations Seminar, which will be of great assistance as a resource for the Pastor.

Pastor is spending a lot of time on fielding requests and following up with people who are interested in renting conference space. The Team agreed Heidi could be doing this and the team authorizes a reasonable increase in her hours beyond the eight hours per week in order to remove this administrative burden from Pastor. Heidi will not be responsible for anything other than the paperwork involved in scheduling events.

Pastor said that we need a Building Coordinator, a stable of Building Hosts to choose from, and folks who can operate the AV system (Jeff Chapman and Vaughn have the ability) if we are to adequately service rentals.

Pastor is talking with Chris Keesee about the Kirkpatrick Foundation funding for a community bell choir.

Sunde reported the January financial results. All income was $6,269.05 and all expenses were $11,276.02, leaving the church with a negative balance of $5,006.97.

Pastor contacted the security company. Jeff Chapman has been removed as a contact – she and Newman are now the contacts.

There is a special congregational meeting is on Sunday, March 20, 2022, after morning worship. The agenda will include reviewing and celebrating the church’s financial report and ministry in 2021; election of Linda and Vaughn to the Administration Team; election of Pastor, Carrie DeValk and Laurie Guido to the Human Resources Team; honoring Jeff Chapman for his many years of church leadership; and plans for the advancement of the church’s mission in 2022.

Membership renewal cards are being solicited wherein one promises to attend worship, as able, to give to the church, as able, and to take part in a church ministry. When all cards collected the church roster will be updated.

Glen Jacobson capably handled snow shoveling at the church while Newman was in San Diego in February and even got the church’s snow blower up and running. Newman will resume that task.

The ice flow in the parking lot that comes from an underground pipe will be a problem until spring. Bonnie has temporarily modified the gutters by installing extenders. This puts the water into the ground rather than in the underground pipe that goes to the parking lot.

Pastor is handling the Green Box Arts Festival in July and is in continual contact with Jesse Stroup and Scott Levy.

Newman will review the church’s casualty and liability insurance policy.

Teresa Allen asked for clarification on what funds were available for purchase of sheet music for the choir and the bells. The spending plan has two line items available: one for $800 (music/streaming/copyright licenses) and one for $2,000 (Flowers/Sheet Music, etc.), that can be accessed.

The next regular meeting is on Thursday, March 31, 2022, at 4:00 p.m.


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